Σάββατο 7 Μαρτίου 2015

[GENOCIDE] South Dakota House Recognizes Armenian Genocide

South Dakota is the 43rd state to recognize the Armenian Genocide.

Becomes 43rd State to Recognize the Armenian Genocide

PIERRE, S.D. (Asbarez)—The South Dakota House of Representatives on Thurs., Feb. 26 passed a resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide, becoming the 43rd U.S. state to do so.

With 28 original co-sponsors, the resolution passed with a vote of 51 to 17. It calls for a “just resolution,” condemns denial, and encourages the teaching of the Armenian Genocide in public schools. It also addresses the Ottoman-Turkish genocide of Greeks and Assyrians.

The resolution “[d]esignat[es] 2015 as the ‘Year of Remembrance for the Centennial Since the Commencement of the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923’ in South Dakota and urg[es] Congress and the president of the United States to formally and consistently recognize and reaffirm the historical truth that the atrocities committed against the Armenian, Greek, and other Christians living in their historical homelands in Anatolia constituted genocide and to work towards equitable, stable, and durable Armenian-Turkish relations.”

Posted By Δ.Κάτσιος to GENOCIDE at 3/07/2015 02:09:00 PM